• Go to reports.

  • Click on Invoices.

  • Filtering - You can filter by general search, File name, Practice Area, Client, etc. by selecting the options on top of the Table. Specify the period from and to by just a filtration of dates to know the total amount, total paid and total balance. Highlight the radio button to enable viewing the financial status, of paid, un-paid and over-paid Invoices.

  • Export of the List - You can export full or filtered list to Excel or PDF by clicking buttons as labeled.

  • The Invoice entries reflect the Invoice number, File, Client, Done by, invoiced amount, what was paid and pending balance (Note, Status on those that are unpaid, reflects Red, Paid and Excess appear in green color and then over paid in Orange.

  • Resetting - You can go back to the original page by clicking the Reset Button on the top right corner.

View a video on Invoice Reports clich here.